Membahas Tentang Seputar Ilmu Agama Islam


Hajj :
It is the fifth pillar of Islam and should be performed once in a lifetime by an adult male or female Muslim.

Hajj Conditions :
In addition to sanity and coming of age, ability is the most important condition for performing Hajj. Allah AlMighty said : “Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to God – Those who can afford the journey”, (3-97). Ability means good health and meeting the expenses of the journey (food and means of transport) and family needs during his absence.

Procedures :
1.      Declaring Ihram intention from the Ihram station (opting for either Ifrad, Qiran or Tamatu’), and avoiding acts prohibited by Ihram.
2.      Arrival Tawaf.
3.      Spending Tarwiyah Day (8th of Dhul Hijah) at Mina or Arafat, whichever is easier for the pilgrim, continuously repeating Talbiyah.
4.      Spending the 9th of Dhul Hijah (or part thereof until the dawn of the 10th of Dhul Hijah) at Arafat (within the limits of Arafat). Hajj is Arafat and it is desirable to repeat supplications as much as possible on this day.
5.      Movement to Muzdalifah after sunset oh the 9th of Dhul Hijah, offering Maghreb and Isha prayers therein combined and abridged. A pilgrim’s stay here should be commensurate to his specific condition, collecting seven pebbles for stoning Jamarat Al-Aqaba either from Muzdalifah or from Mina. Failure to enter Muzdalifah due to overcrowding or a force major constitutes no violation.
6.      Heading for the camp at Mina.
7.      The four acts to be performed on the Day of Sacrifice are :
·         Stoning Jamarat Al-Aqaba at the time specified for each group of pilgrims.
·         Shaving or cutting of hair followed by ending the minor part of the state of Ihram, except sexual intercourse.
·         Tawaful Ifadah (one of Hajj pillars) leading to ending the major part of the state of Ihram.
·         Offering Hadi or Sacrifice, utilizing the specially provided slaughterhouses or the Hadi and sacrifice certificates provided by the Islamic Bank. There is no specific order for performing these acts, heeding the saying of the Prophet, peace be upon him : “There is no harm in doing this act”.
8.      Stoning of the Jamarat in the remaining Tashreeq days according to the specified timing stated by the Mutawif guided by the movement plan to avoid the dangers of stampeding.

Licenses Allowed by Shariah :
a.       Performing Hajj on behalf of deceased or unable persons, but only after having performed Hajj himself.
b.      Authorizing someone to stone Jamarat specially by the elderly, children pr physically unable persons.
c.       Stoning Jamarat around the clock according to the schedule prepared for this purpose as all the days in Mina are valid for stoning the Jamarat.
d.      It is permissible to spend the night outside Mina if no accommodation is available.
e.   Performing prayer anywhere in Makkah and not necessarily confining that to the Holy Haram as Makkah in its entirety is sacred. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, used to perform obligatory prayers during his pilgrimage at Al-Abtah (now know as Al-Maabda) as it is part of Makkah Al-Mukaramah.

Dear Pilgrim : Abide by the Following :
a.       Glorifying the sacred places and performing Hajj rites with ease and tranquility, avoiding stampeding or harming other pilgrims (showing mercy and avoiding stampeding).
b.      Heeding the Ministry’s instructions given to the Mutawif.
c.       Adhering to the times specified for stoning the Jamarat.
d.      Sticking to general cleanliness, cleaning your camp, residence and surrounding environment.
e.       Adhering to the safety instructions specified by the Civil Defense Department.
f.       Seeking correct religious rulings from qualified people, helped by the Mutawif in this regard.
Labels: Haji Umrah

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